Kid named denial
Do you guys think this game is underrated, or did it deserve the flak it got on release?
Steelrising - Played almost every soulslike and bought this on sale. Didn't liked it at first because it felt janky but after a while it's actually fun and really good looking. Story is quite all right and there are few different endings. 7/10 for sure. Opinions?
Les hommes sont-ils plus méchants que les femmes ?
[Other] I'm not particularly a plat collector, but I'm not liking this number, any game recommendations to make it up to 20?
Bloodborne : humble avis et demande de conseils
After watching the developer direct, Expedition 33 is what I imagined a mid budget FF game would be like.
What movie is this?
What’s a movie sequel that nobody asked for?
My GF loves cozy games, need suggestions
Persona 5 on ps3
Que faire quand on reçoit des menaces de viol en ligne ?
Toughs for persona 6
Netflix Be Like
Trans scroll event
i was told my sandwich (that i eat daily) belongs here. consists of tomato, mustard, mild cheddar, smoked provolone, and italian bread.
Who is this? Wrong answers only
Un acteur/actrice que tu peux remplacer par une plante ?
What game do you think was saved or made WAY better thanks to a certain update?
I can't believe how poorly this scene has aged
Echoes of a shattered democracy
Sworn - Official Release Date Announcement Trailer (Console later 2025)
Qu’est-ce qui vous plaît dans l’ejaculation faciale ?
Those games were 10 years ago and they still look more next gen than many games today
[Forspoken] #25 This game is not half as bad as the reviews said