Move FB blog / page to Substack?
Best house shoe that won't disturb my downstairs neighbors?
Did you bleed after laproscopic?
How Long Until Return to Work
How long did you wait after surgery to go to the gym?
anyone that enjoys/enjoyed cervical stimulation - did you keep your cervix? how did it go?
Blood! 🧛♂️😱
4 months post 5th metatarsal fracture and now plantar fasciitis??
2W postop: will I need help?
Not cleared for work, concerned about job
1mpo and back to normal
First cervix “period”… was nothing
Adenomiosis pain and hysterectomy
Abdomen hasn’t reduce in size post hysterectomy
17dpo kept cervix, a few questions
Tracking cycles with no period? Any apps for us?
Wanna get a hysterectomy but y'alls anecdotes are scaring me LOL
Disinfo that “nobody does partial”? (Not a debate, just an observation)
Tried switching to Copilot - gave up and going back to YNAB
Freaking out about the pain I might have
Questions on partial lap post op...
Hysterectomy pushback
Meno belly or adenomyosis?
10 week update