Hey Small Business Owners, looking for recommendations on bookkeeper and accountant
Having trouble selling, should i redeem/grade?
Any good local PC repair shops
NO I'm not fucking trippin'
Cops on the Bridge?
Found in someone’s backyard, about 3” below ground. Concrete 2 ft x 2 ft square, with an iron triangle on top. What was this for?
So listen I need this prime for my squad, if i don’t hit that reset he’ll stay there forever? Until I have enough
My wife used to be afraid of the dark. One night I turned the light on when I was naked.
Your Ultimate Windshield Cleaning Solution
What did the Secret Service say when Trump got shot?
You've won a $2,500 Costco gift card that must be used in 30 days. What are you getting?
I will watch one movie from this comment section every night.
Can I use a 7.2 Watt LED bulb in a fixture that recommends a max of 4.4 Watts?
You are given a jar with 1,000 berries. One is poisonous. You get $50k for each berry you eat. How many are you eating?
What are the best wire strippers you have ever used?
Would you eat a food item that expired 4 days ago for 15k?
Did anyone notice the resemblance today?
You get 10 cents for drinking a 12oz. glass of water. Every glass after that your total doubles.
Stripes or no stripes
Any ideas what these are?
What do yall put in this storage area
Tech leaders have better seats than cabinet members and are seated in same section as Trump's family
You are granted a 4 day work week. Do you take Friday or Monday off?
Who of these guys will spend his whole career in the same franchise?
Do you reuse old breakers if they were working before?