Question: Why did they stop using real names for weapons? (Just replaying revelations and noticed it was the last game using actual gun names)
The best transformers show Beast Wars 🔥
Happy birthday, Coco!
If your grandma didn’t have at least 50 of these in her purse was she really your grandma?
Who had every right to be a villain? (Picture unrelated)
Dogmeat has completely disappeared and I can't bring him back
Behold, the recipe
Rest In Piece Sergeant
Give Mt Lady a new hero name.
Who wins? my pet chicken Jerome or sukuna
Resident evil 2 remake: There's only 1 zombie with bullet proof vest on. When shot at it deflects the bullets.
Found in Fallout 3, in Vault 106
Dont remind me!
Who could defeat them? (Art by ganguri)
Why are you a Mineta fan? What's the appeal? I'm genuinely curious
My Jaws Collection
She ain’t $60 cute
Woke up to a full odds shiny. Happy belated Valentine’s Day I guess?
Got these 3 today😃
Todays game store visit
Should i leave her? Iykyk
Kind of curious how many other girls play huniepop, and if you do. Why?
It's time to make the next part of Fallout in China
Happy Meat Day, my North American friends!