Do you also hate taking selfies or posting them?
i fucking love intps
Dear INFJs, can you behave as extroverts?
Pretending to do something you didn’t intend to do
Maybe You're Not an Introvert. Maybe It's a Trauma Response.
Does anyone else have really fuckin' weird hobbies and interests?
truly one of the bands of all time
The problem is that i think too much
Dark INFJs, where you at?
ever cried to shoegaze?
Do INFJ folks get attracted to fellow INFJs?
Life is basically constant suffering if you are aware enough
Name a song about suicide.
How is everyone’s music taste as INFJs?
INFJ's describe yourself in 1 word..
When did you first realize you might have synesthesia?
‘Wise’ and ‘mature’ at 15, insane at 25
Tearing open a can with my right hand
Could an argument be made that the Stone of Snow-Throat is Dragonrend?
I’m new. Fuck you queefs.