Poetry gang is cooked 💀
Andrew getting ice cream for Ashley
The symbolism here is actually kind of insane
Andrew definitely inherited something from his father
Sharing Lemon Muffins
Ashley has also never really been punished before and I think that's part of the reason why she is the way that she is.
Ashley making her brother mad
A kiss is not incest
Andrew having a wet dream
Ashley sucks at everything she does
Andrew 10 minutes without Ashley (understandable)
She has to decide what she wants from Andrew
What do you think happened in this image of Ashley lying down? Did Andrew die?
What do you think Ashley would do if she killed Andrew?
Ummm, why would Ashley want him to talk about that?? 😅
Happy Valentines to all ❤️☀️💔
A Gothic Romance 🖤
Sound asleep
“One more,Andy~!”
You can't justify your bad behavior with mommy issues
What is your Favorite Wholesome Moment in TCOAAL?
This isn’t a vision…