Rory’s worst outfit. Ever.
I Got Approved! No lawyer. I didn't need one my medical records are horrible. I got approved for mental and my physical diseases. I applied in 2021. Just got approve on 1-6. They just backdated until September 13 2022.
Ridiculous offer
Would it bother you?
Have you ever confronted someone who reduced your tip?
sending me this 5+ times isn't going to make me take it
Driver took a picture of my front door out of their car window, did not deliver my food then left… wtf
Denial letter
does anyone have a service animal ?
Had a Dasher deliver my food 2.5 hours late because he was shopping at the Mall
Is $6+ tip no longer enough?
Please stop this if you do this
Dasher took my food after tipping $10
Yes. I did in fact return your order.
Accepted a $2.50 order
DoorDash drivers, remember that this is a customer service job.
Lorelai Fits 😍
Best mail i’ve gotten in years
I hate the revival just as much as the next person, but I really am glad we got this scene
So I’m confused
Does anyone else get the “___ isn’t a disibility!” When you tell them your disabled?
What is your actual disability vs. what you tell people when they ask?
how do you guys work?