Satisfying beetle removal
How did you guys even do it😭
Quelle est la différence entre un ami et un copain?
27 - EU/NA - LF WoW/V-Rising buddy
[IWantOut] 27M France > USA
What do I even build ??
My fiance makes me feel stupid
Why am i toxic for not wanting to boost ppl for free?
Learning Rengar from 0. Help!
How can I be a better Prot Paladin?
Sortie shopping
Metro Scam
I made a BM guide for this patch, AMA about BM in the comments
Monk or rogue for apvp/pve enjoyer?
My sons first PVP
AP-HP: Comment changer d'hôpital?
Ma cadre a-t-elle le droit de faire ça?
25 Europe/CET - looking for a friend
LF Gamer friends
Little rant about healing in dungeons
Start doing m+
Spent some time at lower keys gearing an alt. Some observations.
Je reprends le taf demain, après trois semaines de congés