What does it mean?
You went on a date with voldemort and your last 5 emojis describe how it went
Какво мислите за книгата и нейният автор
Name her after the last Spotify artist you listened to
Don't i use ed for when the next word starts with a vowel?
what did yall get?
What is your religion?
Arabic is cute :D
5 години в гимназия - как ви се струваха?
познайте държавата
Я кажете колко мартеници получихте днес
Вие каква вода предпочитате да пиете
95-та най-добре
What’s the weirdest phrase you’ve gotten?
How do you say potato in your language? 🥔
I just turned 16!
Cosa faresti in questa situazione ? (Solo risposte non serie)
what do you call this in your language?
What do you call this in your language?
It’s my Birthday, Give me validation.
I KNOW I am ugly, but what do I have to do?
Any normal people in here?
Whats the top 3 gayest thing yall ever done
What do you call these hair accessories in your language?