Finally a decent "craft"
Thought this was cool
What am I? "I have a ..."
Kirby just swallowed you. What ability did he get??
What am I? "I rise without ..."
Reverse Telekinesis. You can create vigorously pull yourself in a straight line to any object you can see
Canadian NHL Legend Wayne Gretzky posing in MAGA hat
Ah yes. The famous centrist moderate. Because moderates certainly don’t have a history of loosing to Donald Trump
You know every dead language
Is this clover or did I get bamboozled?
throwing a seig heil up on your social media
What anime character is an army in itself ?
If Igris got a theme song what would it be
While sitting in a red chair you gain Santa’s observation powers. Only works on people who celebrate Christmas.
What am I?
Most useless adorned?
Which mask would you choose?
I was just minding my own business chaos spamming when I stumbled upon this, it's like a hybrid dual purpose ring!
He had plenty of time 🤔🫣🫣
If I had to see this, so do you
MAGA replacing their MAGA flags on truck with unique message to Elon.
Give me a different hero name for Eraserhead.
Templar in 0.2.0?