Looking for Part-time Roles in Software Development, AI Engineer or Graphic Designer or as a tutor for Computer Science and Maths
Can't access eVisa and share code for prove the right to rent
How many days does it take for E-visa to be linked?
Issues viewing my EVisa
[D] What is the meaning behind the values for the Scaling Layer in LPIPS Implementation?
[Discussion] Proof of Reconstruction Loss Term in VQ-VAE Loss
[D] To PhD or not to PhD
Proof of Reconstruction Loss Term in VQ-VAE Loss
Does anyone have any suggestions for games like the outer wilds?
Accommodation outside Campus
Closest thing to i3 for Windows?
How to calculate affinity matrix from distance matrix
How to make facial recognition work hand-in-hand with semantic search?
USC msds
Anyone still waiting for USC MSADS??
Still Waiting from All my universities
Outbreak Origins: A game inspired by Plague Inc: Cure