It never got better... I just got older
Feeling lost in life is making it more difficult to quit.
📣 Old School Runefest Summit Megathread 📣
Bring him back for the next Runefest lmao. He's so good with the crowd.
Getting JoshStrifeHayes to be apart of RuneFest was a terrific idea
Panic buy pirate hat
season 1 episode 1 loved but struggling ep 2
Anyone seen this show called severance?
Thank you for being a great game for the poor
posted a couple days ago
EATING is key.
If you’re gonna steal..
Anyone seen this show on Amazon called Severance?
Having trouble staying committed...
Game Update - Royal Titans Feedback Changes & More!
The Whisperer Journey: 12K KC Without Pet (6x rate) (Driest in game according to PetCord Discord)
Varlamore: The Final Dawn Rewards - Blog Update
How cool would this be in the next r/place
The Substance, Nosferatu, and Alien: Romulus were all nominated for Oscars this year - including The Substance for Best Picture!
Chapter 212 [RAW]
Didn't drink last night so I could be productive today...
Membership Survey: An Update From Mod Pips, Jagex CEO
Why Jagex, Why??
16th January - An Update on the Conjoint Membership Survey
Thank you Jagex. I needed a reason to focus on myself.