Do you think your destined to win the lottery?
4/5 Fantasy Five $416 W
How much Anime do you watch daily ?
Who is your celebrity crush?
[OC] I prevented getting into another depressive episode by crocheting matching hats for my cat and me
I was a late bloomer, pic 1-4 is age [20] to [23]. Last four is age [35]-[36]
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What's an NSFW scandal in your family?
How are these Trucks seemingly immune to Lemon Laws?
I’ve been conducting a lot of static electricity lately
White pants are literally making me more tidy
How many people stay in their cars as soon as they park home?
He loves the Harmonica
I need your opinions on Death mount death play and The Eminence in shadow
What do you think about lengthening surgery?
Where to watch rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai MOVIE
"Video Dating" in the 80s
How normal is it to forget books you read and movies/tv shows you watch
Who Digs Anime & Doesn't Have Any Friends...!!?? (f,30).
Why don’t people walk on the correct side of the hall?!?!
A hotel employee asked to eat some of my nut mix and I couldn’t be more grossed out
my parents wanted to meet their granddog so we embarked on a 20 hour road trip
Is it a good idea to get a dog because I'm lonely?
I haven’t slept in 6 days.
This just makes me laugh. I wish it was longer.