Who was your fav characters
Question about the show
This show has some of the most offensive football scenes I’ve ever seen
Olivia Baker is the worst
Sorry not sorry
Unpopular Opinion: My Least Favorite Characters are Spencer and Olivia
The downfall of All American
Why can’t they every stay single?
Some of the characters should've left after graduation
Besides Tyrone and MO who did you consider a villian
Liv’s Wedding?
Which character did you hate the most I’ll go first
Fellas, which room you spending the night in?
Season 6 Thoughts
Spencer and Olivia
Jordan and Layla’s wedding wasn’t about them
Why did spelivia break up s5
If I had 1 dollar for every career Olivia almost destroyed
Has to be said but Jaymee is the baddie of the show and can act better than the other females. Now I hate Asher even more lol😂😂😂
Am i lying??
Does anyone else not like Olivia?
Who does that?!
Name a character no one can make you like/love