It being a kids' show is not the issue.
What’s the worst Harry Potter theory you’ve ever heard?
What are your thoughts on Kami Garcia and Gabriel Picolo's Teen Titans graphic novels? [Discussion]
How do you feel about the phrase "happy wife, happy life"?
have you forgiven those who made your childhood traumatic?
What is a man's worst nightmare?
My ex boyfriend cheated on me with his step sister and I'm not surprised
Describe your least favourite character in three words and let others guess?
Thoughts on the Almost Magical winx webtoon?
WIBTA for announcing our pregnancy at my brothers baby shower
What is something women say to men that they may not realise is insulting/rude?
has anyone else noticed this issue?
What is the worst first date you've been on?
What is the worst piece of advice you recieved from another man?
Brother Lures Dead Sister’s 7 Best Friends To HS Reunion To Figure Out Who Killed Her & GET REVENGE
If there was one thing you could change in RWBY what would it be?
What is something you are grateful you got to experience back in your youth that the youth of this generation wouldn't have the privilege of experiencing?
Is no one gonna talk about the ending of the "In my dreams I hold a knife" video?
What is your spiderman opinion that you will always defend?
What writer do people love that you just don’t get the hype?
Is there anyone who doesn't like official couples at all?
walker and leah?
What are your hottest takes on the RWBY series?
Women who were/are pregnant, what was/is your strange pregnancy cravings?
What are your hottest takes on the Winx Series?