How Horrifying Are the Emperor’s Children to a Space Marine?
[Warhammer40k] As a Imperial Defector, Is It Better to Join Chaos or the Tau?
Can Skarbrand Be Permanently Killed?
[Creature Commandos] Would G.I Robot Mistake a Hindu Swastika for a Nazi Swastika?
[WH40K/TDI] Which Chaos God Offers the Best Blessing for Winning Total Drama?
Is It Viable to Kill a Khorne Berzerker by Targeting Their Butcher’s Nails?
Is Andrew Worse Than Johnny Somali?
Are Chaos Space Marines Still Considered Warrior-Monks?
I opened up Punisher's rifle in Blender to see what the under barrel attachment actually is. Turns out it is a grenade launcher, even still has a grenade inside it.
How Does Someone Fall to Chaos Undivided?
Andrew and Meds
My Team Got Wiped