Boot to win
Traian Basescu: e timpul sa fim PRO-EUROPA. In opinia mea, cel mai bun conducator al României din ultimii 100 de ani.
Champ pool to go with Darius
Gpu died, and no integrated graphics, what would you buy right now for good/excelent 1080p gaming?
What's your unpopular sett opnion?
Axiom Arcanist with Darius
Voi mai beti Cola/Pepsi de cand s-au triplat preturile?
Spirit Blossom Feels Slow
How is Darius considered S tier?
Tank Sett or fighter Sett?
This champ feels really hard to play to me
What if Darius was released todas?
Cel mai putin extremis roman
Can't trust autosave with this game
New warmogs opinions
When can i use Lt
This champ is extremely frustrating to play sometimes
Relațiile romantice și acel suflet “pereche”
How do you climb in ranked when matchmaking gives you teams of brainless inting fools?
Mordekaiser, Volibear, or Warwick?
Any tips against Malphite and Ksante and Renekton?
Top Gap
Tens of thousands across Slovakia protested against the current government
La noi e invers, frumos.
S-au strâns destul de multi