Your last saved image loses to goku
Who will be better on giant ape power between these two
Who to coin
Can I use str instead of teq brolly?
Shirtless SSJ3 is so cold 🥶
Gogetas biggest flaw, and no one talks about this
Ive seen enough, tier list of best characters in the game (rows are not ordered) (this is all personal opinion)
Imagine they jus say fuck it and give us a fight with like a 5 mil aoe turn 1 like a modern fusion zamasu
Hot take: Gogeta team is more fun to use than Vegito team
Should I coin god bros or monkey bros?
"WhY wOuLd YoU bRiNg ThEm To A DoDgE cAnCeL FiGhT" They can tank.
Seeing all these ungodly EZA’s and new units lately has made me develop unfathomable hate for what they did to my boy
Which one could you defend in court?
Does this confirm gt heroes buffs?
Masako Nozawa sure is keeping her promise to Toriyama with that scream in Ep 19.
What is Gomah saying here? (wrong answers only)
Last Episode will be a Cliffhanger
It's crazy that the artist who made this fanart was similar to episode 19 in Dragonball Daima
What did they mean by this?
This dude dodge me for 6 years! Which unit can't appear in your summons?
Debating if I should take Ssj2 Gohan out for LR TEQ Gods
How come nobody's talking about this 8.25 million SA? I bet many got caught off guard
Who the fuck do I get rid off?