Should I skip blue moon?
Cancelled my subscription
Membership Cancelled
End game iron sub cancelled
ah shit here we go again
Absaloot unit
Returning to OSRS
General Graardor's death will be swift...
Throwback to the worst iron grind I've done
How do I not burn out so quickly?
Died on my HCIM 😭
"What's this scroll thing? Whatever" Then I looked up the drop rate about 5 minutes later..
Mandatory 2k Total Post. Shoutout fellow Dadscapers
An amazing change that I think went under the radar today
What childhood game is still worth playing in 2025
So this happened
Top100 Achieved! , sadly still cant seem to find the bowfa, so the grind continues!
My First ever OSRS Fire Cape!
Some nice name filter
First ironman acc. How's the progress. Feel like I'm just lacking on my diaries. Got BGloves and Zombie axe those are really my only nice melee upgrades. Just need the smiting to make the axe yet.
What OSRS opinions have you like this?
Loot from ~50 hours of solo cox. What KC did you get your first purple?
i don´t even know where to start with this one. Absolute unit training slayer with an incomplete void set, dragonfire shield, skills necklace, no slayer helm and team cape XD 112 cb lvl
Ever done a stupid grind which got personal? here's mine, i know it's super inefficient, but that's the fun part of it, also, fuck this rng