The Trouble With Elon: Sam Harris
Help me in new
Syl posts a photo of Kaladin (Stormlight tweets)
The Battle of Greenland begins
Reaction to Lex Fridman's Zelensky interview
Rentner (92) fährt Kind tot
Finished WaT - spoilery thoughts
A Critical Essay on Wind and Truth
WIND AND TRUTH | Full Book Discussion Megathread (Stormlight Archive only)
Celtic folk infused musical - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button coming to West End
Got a bit obsessed this year
Saw Operation Mincemeat yesterday
Miserable since election
Russia outlaws "childfree propaganda" starting today.
One of the biggest manufacturer of psychedelic substances closes
How would Europeans vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election if they had a chance?
I had a dream I was pregnant and it was terrifying
A Look at Death Rattles
Are we going to get *some* closure at the end of book five?
Lex Fridman Be Like --
What countries or destinations do you think have the most tourism potential/are going to blow up in the future?
Wie ist es mit 40 in den Ruhestand zu gehen?
Überweisung nach Großbritannien hängt
Anyone have any tips for prepping for the Anthropic interview?
Meine Familie möchte in nach Russland ziehen ich aber nicht.