This idea came to me while I was half asleep
Kids of the 2000s: Which video game started your video game career?
What’s one weird thing you are attracted to?
What percentage of your physical media purchases are new compared to secondhand?
Who would you choose to be ur roommate? and why?
Conquest genderbender (SpeedL00ver) [Invincible]
I have the worlds best boyfriend and the most autistic rizz
What are the movies you're most looking forward to coming out this year?
Character Concept by Hogni J. Mohr
To those of you who buy the same console multiple times, why?
Why do you use reddit?
Just want to show off my 13 year olds latest drawing. Saw it this morning and think it's amazing
Your time has come, fly
Toph's "comment"
Does being a pirate appeal to you?
Official Poster for 'Freakier Friday'
What comes to your mind when you think of Finland?
does anyone else dislike their birthday?
What's the thing that when said to you is an instant turn on?
What comes to mind when you think of Japan?
found something really cool just now!
What movie do you consider to be the safest from getting remade/getting a sequel?
$2 Find at Goodwill
Did anyone else watch Stingray as a kid? I feel like no one remembers this show