I, an American, knew who Robbie Williams is before Better Man came out
Lust or love?
Thin plastic, stretchy, not sticky. Comes on a paper roll.
wait,, what?
What is the most tragic celebrity death?
What’s a lesson everyone has to learn the hard way?
Interesting reply from Nate
When you think of video games for the "Millennials" generation, what comes to mind first?
Donald Trump is a fascist
{Cryptid} Honestly at this point, I wish it just crashed...
What is something popular that does not interest you at all?
[Request] at what length/girth does having an erection makes you faint ?
Why is "let people enjoy things / if they're not hurting anyone / this doesn't impact me" a bad ideology to have?
[ALL] Which ReDead was the creepiest?
Why did the US government lose the war on drugs?
Father of the Year
Would you date someone who posts NSFW pictures online? Not for money, just for fun.
can you guys help me
College is just a ponzi scheme to keep us in debt
Does the average person read?
Which Zelda Game Have You Thoroughly Enjoyed Playing The Most?
Nintendo Switch 1 was announced with a tweet 13.5 HOURS before the reveal. No need to panic omg
Very, very, VERY upset 😭