AIO for being upset at my (F30) bf (M31) leaving comments like this under multiple women’s pics who I don’t know?
Anyone else always feel like they’re the “ignored” friend when in larger groups?
Late bloomers, at what age did you finally feel like you had your “life together”?
What did you do to get new friends?
Which TV Show/Series can be identified by a single quote?
Too many lunges and squats
Does CP take away access to classes you regularly take when you downgrade/freeze your account?
DAE feel like the names for “crocodile” and “alligator” should be swapped bc it matches their appearance better?
Does anyone else like video games but can't muster the mental energy to play them most of the time? Is this a common thing for hobbies in general?
Pros and Cons of Starting Stations
For those with bleached hair that like to straighten their hair once in a while, how often do you do it?
Is it just me or are people below 30 really weird about talking on the phone?
Why do Spanish Speakers seem to look down on "Broken Spanish"(esp. from the Caribbean) more than English Speakers look down on "Broken English" from Jamaica, Ireland, and elsewhere?
Which was the most stupid stereotype you heard about your nationaly/country?
Why do some minorities like Latinos vote for Republicans in such greater proportions than other minorities like the black community?
Can I say I “read” a book if I listened to the audio version?
What is the symptom of ADHD that you feel like isn't talked about enough?
How old are Arctic Monkeys fans?
Why do married people suddenly stop hanging out with their friends as much once they’re married vs when they were dating/engaged?
Savannah calling Netflix racist and saying Ines and Georgia were "white passing".
What mistaken belief did you have about a celebrity for way too long?
Why are women not allowed to admit they don’t want pregnancy to “ruin” their bodies without being deemed as “selfish”?
What do you think is boring but a lot of people think is fun?
DAE feel like you only get one normal week a month? If you're lucky?
Some of y’all Chicanos be like.