Just got an awesome new widescreen. Jealous?
Lets go
Video games are extremely repetitive and boring.
Bands that make music similar to Radiohead and Muse?
How did I not know about this until now?!
You are what you eat . What are you atm?
After 2 years i realised my tattoo says DESIRE with “Y”
The cleanest best pleasure
Trump shows how not to be a gentleman staying dry under the umbrella while Melania walks in rain
Who’s disguise looks the best
If half the world was permanently daytime and the other half was permanently nighttime, and you had to make a choice between the two for the rest of your life, which side would you choose?
I cackled when this ad appeared
Heaviest concert of all time?
Game room for me, wife and daughter.
I need to phone a friend
Hey, come on in. I just have to go and charge my phone.
Balding runs in my family, and I'm thinning out at the top at 27. Should I do a trial buzz to make the top even with the sides?
What’s gets you through a rough day?
Who’s a predator you’re certain had preyed on a child before?
What are Muse’s most emotional / angriest albums?
Justin Trudeau Resigns as the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada
It is done.
who’s your comfort youtuber?
Did I win?
What does “Wall Street expects” mean?