Can’t do it anymore
[Serious] Woodstock ‘99 attendees. What are y’all up to these days?
People if you were given a choice to go back in time what time period would you go to?
If you could restart your life from the moment you were born, what would you like to improve about yourself?
What do you do to recover from a hard day?
What’s something you did once and swore you’d never do again?
Where was your first kiss?
What’s a movie or TV show that everyone loves but you can’t stand?
Where in America have you always wanted to visit and why?
If all the US cities were like students in a classroom, what city do you think would be the equivalent to the “cool kid”, the city that has the most fun and chill vibe?
Where’s the best place in public to sit in your car and not be bothered or seen at all?
Thoughts on Outlanders 2?
Absolute brainrot
Who would win this hypothetical war?
%99 of the Americans Cant Name This Country
Which of these 3 cities will have the best skyline in 2050?
What state should I visit next?
I am a smoker who wants to vape
I am a smoker who wants to start vaping
Rochester New York before and after
Flavors coming back?
does anyone know anywhere i can get menthol juul pods in los angeles?
What do you hate about Reddit?
3rd ward Houston Tx
Mumbai, India.