is 3d viet more korea or japan ?
why southeast chinese look more korea than japan
Which phenotype more common among SEA Chinese
Where in China he could pass the best in?
is weaboo viet pass korea or japan
is men viet more korea or japan
Can they pass as south japan/okinawan
Guess their mixes
Do they look stereotypically cantonese??
What are these two ethnicity/region and phenotyp?
Guess his ethnicity (very easy)
He is Southern Japanese and where does he can pass outside Japan?
why viet have more austronesian but look more korea than japan ?
Where is this guy from?
where i can find hog kog and southeast chinese look like this ?
Guess ethnicity (easy)
is vietnam weaboo look more japan or korea
is viet more korea or japan ?
Are these actually common phenotypes in japan??
is hog kog and southeast china women look like this
Guess his background (not what you think)
So northern japan not as paleomongolid
Do these people have uniquely Korean eyes?
Do they look more Korean or Chinese? Men height 202cm and Women height 187cm.
Do they look similar?