Any tips on how to get out of arena 14?
Name 3 Favorite Tyler Songs of every album (If you want)
You have $10 only. What are you buying?
Name your fave Tyler song off of any album and I will guess your least favourite song from that same album
Name a tyler song you like and I'll guess a tyler song you don't like
What lyric got you feeling like this?
the golf logo is in this random cafe (and is backwards for some reason?)
say a tyler song and i will say another tyler song
what bro
Give me your favorite Tyler song and I will guess your least favorite one
Name a Tyler song without saying the name of the Tyler song
name a tyler song and i’ll rate it 1-100 and give my honest opinion about it
kinda off there bud..
Ask a question about Kanye and edit it so my answer looks bad.
Unpopular opinion
Drop your favorite Tyler song here, I’ll go first
Describe a Kanye song in 1 word and I’ll try to guess it
Rate my music taste! (18M)
Write a Kanye lyric but replace a word with “Legos in my rectum”
Ask me a question related to Tyler and then edit it to make me look bad
Who/What is "felicia" ?
Name a Kanye song but replace one word of it with "Roblox"
Times where Fantano’s least favorite track was actually the best song on the album?