Miss can’t handle criticism
Sick again, or allergies!?? Riveting weather update and menstruation talk from mama bear
Jump scare!
What person on God’s green earth would willing post themself on the internet looking like a beady-eyed, bloated rat?
Valentine’s Gifts for her sweet friends
My dog just got a partial acl surgery
Another wink at Reddit from Miss Crusty Lips. Glad we can show her some guidance 💋
A has new shoes?!?
A classic Lexi Stupid Faces appreciation post
Screams desperate
Will we ever see this workout? lol
"These should fit next month!"
morning coffee with 85 lbs of sugar. she’s also “behind of editing”
Rage checkpoint - lets take a minute and recommend some work for them! 🤣
I am SO sick of her baiting her miscarriage.
Day 1: didn’t finish her workout until after 9pm and you can hear Asher playing in the background.
Bare minimum as always
Tell me I’m hallucinating and seeing things. This can’t be right. Her kid is sick again? Or is illness her scapegoat and she perpetually makes it up?
Did she already give up?
This is a joke, right? This is what she eats while in a calorie deficit? This is only what we see, as well. I loved how she said he needed more protein and pounded more sliders. I didn’t include breakfast, either.
Flat head