Who should I bench for a Dragon?
0 since new season - Enemy team comes to objectives while I try to do them solo and my team doesn react at all - Every time I get blamed for jg diff - I am quiting this shit
Do people still blame junglers for all their problems?
Metagross is the best pseudo legendary by a long shot
Why We Shouldn’t Worry About Jeju Island Arc Being Rushed in Solo Leveling S2
I love that Xenolord's Paldeck implies he's looking for another Pal called Supersonic Dragon and Jetragon isn't that Pal. Who could it be?
Is going for grubs worth it even if I think I have like a 10% chance of success?
The most soul crushing thing to hear when jungling...
My man
Is having meta Pals necessary for endgame stuff?
Which character has the best dub voice?
It's so efficient tho :(
What does your main want?
Don't crucify what I'm about to say but I'm fully prepared to realize that Elder Scrolls 6 is going to be an upgraded version of Skyrim
Smite Bug? Can anyone tell me why my smite decided to go on Lee Sin instead of the dragon?
Who wins?
Breaking: Trump says he’s going to sue Ann Selzer for election interference, along with many other media sources he says interfered by saying bad things about him.
Why is it possible to be put in a role i don't queue for?
I like AI art and think it's cool.
Finally got this bad ass explosive minigun. Too bad I'm on a melee playthrough 😩😂
A very creative title.
Puberty blockers to be banned indefinitely for under-18s across UK
I refuse to believe that he’s the killer!!
Challenger with Kindred only (AMA)
LeT mE bE uNEquiVoCaLLy cLur 🇺🇸🇺🇸