Are lights the reason new players quit the game?
For the Love of God please let us turn off texture streaming. The game is unplayable.
Amazon review..
New to the Game and loving it!
Is this the wrong way around?
Am i seeing ghosts?
Probleme mit NAT Typ?
Set up on a budget
Unable to find Lobbies?
Wlan verstärken
Is that a gun in your parts, or are you just happy...
Hunting dog’s name
I just want to say hi...
If PlayStation put every PS1-PS3 game on the PS Store, what game are you buying first?
My entry for the loading screens
Why do I have an SMG where my knife should be in ranked?
Dude, does the guy ride a bike at 500km?
Getting in to a DJ at 40? Am I Nuts?
Tipps für Minijob nebenbei
What is that thing for?
"On to the next one" Beatz,Swizz ca. 2009
Ideen für eine Gabel?
Issues with gameplay