The Baltimore Ravens and Taiwan have a lot in common.
Bing Bonk Maxxy
Give me your hottest take for the Pod and I’ll Pardon Your Take.
Whats everyones favorite idiosyncrasy of the pod?
Finish this sentence: “the most annoying/obnoxious PMT guest is…”
Book quotes about a son and his father?
Hmmmmm. Something's not quite right here.
Rumble or Youtube to watch Surviving Barstool?
How is the writing in Blood Meridian not word salad?
Gruden is a Home Run Hire
But then, a third car appeared, and seemed to be gaining speed
Since I know you guys love tier lists, I ranked AFC East teams based on my level of hate
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!
Pats by a thousand
Mount Rushmore of Sports Commentators
(Spoiler) AWLs are biased
I was told I have too much “seasoning” in my imagery.
A battle for the ages
[Weekly Critique and Self-Promotion Thread] Post Here If You'd Like to Share Your Writing
PLEASE just wear the damn helmet!
My list of the best writing advice I have ever received over the years.
What is the food of NH?
New Hampshire Needs to Loosen Zoning and Construction Laws to Address its Housing Problem
[SPOILERS] Is there a logical and/or likely explanation for why the writing in season 8 is so bad?
In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire?