Green or Blue
We need a Q&A pinned post.
9innings naver cafe
What skills go well with Contact Master?
Give a classic “Evil”power and I’ll reply with a way it can benefit society
Which to use event GI on?
Another dog water weekly reward
It is OK to post Mr Luke photos here?
Weekly reward?
What country is this? Wrong answers only
Rare decks
Nice day, 2 prems and a mileage lsct
Power Idea: Everyday Time Loop
creating an empire for every country, first country in 24 hours will be the next country, first country: Afghanistan.
What is the best super power you can create with ONLY THREE WORDS?
Make them very unique and unexpected
I Finally Got Yimi Garcia on my Dodgers Team!!! LETS GOO!!!
What is the name of this place (wrong answers only)
Got some luck today
Can someone explain WHY for these “distance/lap” things don’t have a goal set for like 75 laps? Like something for players that do it every day?
Name my city, no googling
Try to explain a players career in 3 words and have other people try to guess them.
Its been 4 years.
Swing and a miss! Had a 50/50 chance at big papi. Ended up with another JD Martinez. If anyone else misses out of the card they want I feel your pain.
Yk what to do pt3