Question regarding FIcsmas extension on local computer
Should I get my boyfriend a copy of the kama sutra for his birthday?
What is one ethical claim in the form of “X is evil” or “X is good” that absolutely can not be reasonably disputed?
My first big planned production (left is iron plates, right is iron rods)
Boyfriend of 4.5 years says it’s a women role to cook and clean and says that’s what the way of life is..
Planning my new mega factory - some questions
The Size of the Map is insane to me!
Is this emotional cheating?
Crownfall's Final Bow
Feeling overwhelmed
While eating a vegan: "look's like meat is back on the menu boys!"
I guess I can't play anymore on this account
A thoughtful analysis
Waiting for those last, few frames...
Best explanation of why we struggle in the “standardized” educational setting
Lost the Drive
How do we get rid of rocks?
Going big in Green Fields
Can someone explain this?
What’s the stupidest thing people tend to assume about men, and have assumed about you?
Aluminum water problem?
More achievements?
Our life experiences dont force us to do evil. We all understand objective good.
Phase 4 Advice