Looking for DW:O mods
DW Origins: Are dueling opportunities predetermined?
DW:O March update information??
Origins: Is "Boosts normal attack strength by X%" a worthwhile trait?
DnD Map on slides Help?
Red Hare Challenge - No light/heavy attacks, no battle arts except for dispersion arrow, and no tactics.
Easiest and "must do" challenges in Origins Ultimate Warrior difficulty?
Assuming everything else stays the same in terms of quality/variety, what would you want devs to prioritize in Dynasty Warriors: Origins 2?
March Update speculations?
Drug test false positives
Mod questions for origins
Mod] The Reaper's mod version 3.0 NEW
Help me please
Screenshare on PC whilst calling on phone?
Dynasty Warriors Empires with Origin gameplay
Two actresses for Diao Chan, can't tell who looks better.
Going with Wu next
Test your Love of Dynasty Warriors!
Who here wants to play the Female Wanderer???
So, with the success of DWO, do you think they will make a DWO Empires?
Which character benefited the most from Origins?
Dynasty warriors origins Color types?