Bakery worker stabs robber
Is this controller real?
Lana is buying a house in Louisiana
Trying to win pro-choice debate
My name is weird
No idea how to fill up this space
What’s your opinion on Melanin singing songs about subjects she, likely, didn’t go through herself?
My appointment is at 0:00 PM
Girl, WHY is there a POWDERY RESIDUE after you use the TOILET!?
It's better to tell people it's your birthday on random days
Isn‘t the neurologist suppost to do test‘s ?
This is kind of dark but …
Idiot attacks pregnant woman and discovers common sense and basic etiquette!
My sound proof sleeping box
Overwatch's D.Va voice actress harassed and berated by westjet employees for the entire flight duration
As a guy, can people tell that I’m wearing some makeup on my red cheeks?[Routine help]
"You cannot have a country without children": North Dakota Rep Bill Tveit pushes through North Dakota resolution calling for outlawing same-sex marriage, defining marriage on the basis of "conception and birth"
What should I do with my $3.5m inheritance?
Please tell me this isn't mold.
What do you hear this toy saying?
Any advice on what to do with the background? I feel like if it’s blank it will ruin the whole piece.
I'm posting this just so when you download it it will have 3 watermarks
This stop sign is only for horses
Two of our markers have the same name but not the same color
Being “too busy to text back” is just an excuse—no one is actually THAT busy.