Why should a person who is not loved by anyone, who does not believe in any religion, and who has no purpose in life, not commit suicide?
Beginner Question: spider bites piercing but ??? mm? Is 6 mm enough?
Pixel Art Questions & Answers - FAQ / Post your questions here! [#3]
How to return from sql3 mode to $ mode (week 7)
Sooo... Is making a fun polished game will make you succesful if you reach target audience?
There are any way to get a gamedev "roadmap" with side projects ?
Pixel Art Armor/Equipment System (?)
They are some people who cares about me which is really cool(it's you)
I am suicidal but I don't want to feel like this
I have 3000 hours and I have to earn money with programming.
2021 vs 2023
Groovy future house track I made the other night w a dope visual edit. Would appreciate y’all checking it/my page out! (Or not I’ll go fms ok thx guys bye) 🤘🏾
Looking for a feedback friend
Here's another House groove. I've not spent much time on arrangement yet, where do you think I should go with it?
my best friend dumped me because I am self harming and suicidal
My best friend dumped me because I self harm and I am suicial
If you could only read 5 books about game dev, what would they be?
If you could only read 5 books about game design, what would they be?
I've spent 5 years curating a gamedev resource mega-list, and now I've released it for free!
Games written by 1 person?
I spent 80 hours on pixel art total yet I still suck.
I'm ugly, fat and lonely
Ps4 recover: do I need to create the .jpgs manually?(using terminal)