What are the worst plants in Plants vs Zombies history?
Cactus' nostalgia bait attack
Why is the title screen so crunchy?
Lmao EA doesn’t even know the proper name of their plants how silly
I’m not even surprised at this point
Worst way to fail this level
KOS-MOS, ver. 4, artist: Asagi1111
Same Voice Actor
I'm fine with Villager being cut in the next Smash game with Isabelle being the only returning AC rep if it means more actual character interaction. Just not a fan of create-a-characters in crossovers (aside from Miis)
[OC] Fresh Plaguepost to start the new year
Theorymove – Turn your Pokémon into a manipulative ex
why does this sunflower thing looks so goofy?
Anyone else think Monster Bean Sprout is the ugliest plant yet?
Shoreline, WA
This is a worst deal in a game
I'm done with Arena
How many more wins do i need to get scaredy shroom?
A man can dream.
What is a plant(s) that you hate with a passion?
Who is the biggest damage-sponge boss in the entire franchise?
NYOO LEVEL 5 don't release Yokai 2 as two separate versions in the west nyaaa just port Psychic Specters from the start nyou'll kill your momentum in the west nayoooo!!!
What kind of moth is this? (On a ferry from Vancouver Island, British Columbia)
I struggled with these bastards so much
And I thought 1 Pokra seed packet for daily login was bad…