Demetrious Johnson says the UFC should pay Jon Jones his asking price of $30M to fight Tom Aspinall: “The UFC made $1.4 billion, and this man is asking for $30 million… Pay the man $30 million and call it good.”
I don't complain. Be thankful for what you can get
Best Hotel in Tokyo?
Am I crazy?
I am an air traffic controller. The FAA is currently hiring more controllers from off the street. The bid closes on Monday, March 17. This is a 6 figure job that does not require a degree. AMA.
This is my favorite type of pizza, but I thought you guys should see this.
I just want more people to know about this breakfast pizza from Walmart.
Dating after a lottery win.
I caught up
Tokyo 2025
You’ve just won life changing money. How do you not tell anyone?
“What happened to your face?”
Preeta what she did?
What was your best meal in Japan?
What are these?
Comedian Loses Her Shit At An Open Mic
My most incel-y roast
This is why the old band were so good.
I had the winning numbers but I didn’t go to the store to purchase FML
Mt. Fuji 5th Station
Seeing everybody’s disfigured looking face while having the shit punched out of them has always been fascinating to me lmaoo
Apple IC Card = physical
Omakase in Tokyo that isn't insanely expensive
Someone in California hit the 30mil Superlotto and it wasn’t me 😭 WHICH ONE OF YALL IS IT?
Can I stop growing at 14m
Tokyo 3 day subway pass worth it?