Telling the children you love them
Left early today, I feel like a failure
New child screaming
What’s your position and what are you paid?
Parent confused why we sent dirty clothes home
Training new co-teacher
Growing impatient
How long did it take you to become desensitized to gross things?
Do you think Star-Lord ruined everything in Infinity War by not waiting until the glove came off?
First day back from break and one of my new parents already made me cry - Update
First day back from break and one of my new parents already made me cry
Advice on overbearing mother in law
Almost cussed another teacher out for lying about me in front of admin
New year, new co-teacher
Getting a new child from the infant room and need to tell grandma to scale back the visits
New year, new kids, new co-teacher
Co-teacher scared of getting HFM/getting sick
Why was Krysten’s dog in Ohio for six weeks?
Got the “I’m the older than so, I know more than you” card pulled on me
Kids need/deserve to go outside part II
What’s the an awkward thing you’ve accidentally said to a parent that they were able to laugh off?
What’s an ECE hill you’re willing to die on?
Parents!! PLEASE read your school emails!
Teachers, how are we feeling?