15 best PS5 JRPGs according to Metacritic
Favorite Demon in SmT V what’s yours
Persona 5 crossover? (OC)
I have seen so much Jolyne hate on YT and Insta man. Like wtf I thought people liked her.
Socity. specember day 9
Holy peak - SPEcember Day 16
Which Stand will you pick? (Part 6 edition)
He always uses it on Nahobino, thank you Enduring Soul
Dazai's Persona...
I'm not in for a good time
Let's hope that Persona 6 continues this trend
Technically not a Megaten game, but is a megaten game.
The Last Bastion more like The Peak Bastion - SPEcember Day 6
Patient Zero
What’s your favorite ending theme?
If this dude likes it, then this movie must be amazing
Life lessons with All-cysts (SPEcember Day 2)
Quick reminder that most Echoes fans consider Berkut and Rinea an OTP - SPEcember Day 2
SPEcember day 2 - And yet somehow he's popular enough to get a Brave Alt
[SPEcember Day 2] Well, at least he's not wanted...
Morning People are an Oppressive Class
Defending cum garon at all costs - SPEcember Day 2
This is True
If Atlus doesn’t get recognition for at least one of these OST’s at TGA…idk what to say at that point…all of these are peak.
Which scene in Jojo had y’all like this