Blursed Pillows
Nerfed Goku Black (DBS) vs Omni-Man, Battle Beast and Thragg (INVINCIBLE)
What are Imperial Civilian vehicles like? Are there any lore instances about civilian vehicles and that stuff?
How easy is it to make money, and become a millionaire, with stock trading and such?
Why is it unhygenic for men to leave their nails long while it's fine for women?
Imagine if the T'au has suicide drones that can be used against the enemies on the Tabletop! What do you think its stats would be?
Do they really give out "happy endings" in massage Parlors in the US?
Tau Game
If the Imperium was a person, what kind of person would they be? Would they be a pleasant person to be around?
Brolt coming to break up Frieza x Goatgeta
Anyone gets enraged whenever you come across guro/gore artwork of your beloved?
Is there discrimination between Imperial worlds? Like if somene from Terra looks down on people from other Imperial planets?
Is the name "Dahmer" forever ruined in the West, especially the US of A? What do you think? Could it ever be used again?
Commander shadow sun proxy WIP
Can V1 (ULTRAKILL) clear the entirety of the Doom games?
A spear that can be detached to form two "swords". What do you think?
Does the Armor the Emperor of Mankind wore still exist? I know the Emperor's Sword does though
Are Darker-skinned people less likely to get Skin Cancer compared to Lighter-skinned people?
Are there any subreddits dedicated to loving a fictional character like one would with a real person?
What do you think this coke omelette tastes like?
What kinda name is Poot James
A squad of US Navy Seals VS A squad of Tempestus Scions Stormtroopers (40K)
Are Energy force field shields seen in various sci-fi media possible? The fields that can block projectiles and missiles?
Are all Ghost videos and accounts fake? Surely there must be some that are real?