Which character was this for you?
Who is your favorite vanguard?
“You just wasted your support ult” yeah I’m WELL aware.
What is this team balancing in quick match??
Y’all can relax in quick match you know?
Lmao how are you guys ranking up solo queuing
Whoever thought of Cap’s achievement should NEVER work in video games again.
Has a game ever "ruined" a genre for you?
What are you guilty of?
Single battle character frequency rankings lol. Thoughts?
what’s the character that you always lose to i’ll go first
The only way we are getting variety with opponents is if they make everyone’s health the same in singles.
Fighting fusions with a 3 health character is so stressful bruh
Buff Z burst Dash please.
They indirectly buffed Sparking and Instant Spark
Who would you want to come to the game and what would their abilities be?
Based on the last game you've played, what are you getting arrested for?
The cheese is killing this game.
What's your DP Rank so far?
What game flopped so hard but you wish it succeeded?
Goku Ultra Instinct Sign healing when going MUI is absolute bullshit.
Post your mains!
If you play like this, just leave
If you're playing like this, Just get out of the game bro