SUVs are incredibly ugly and an unfortunate sign of herd mentality in the USA
Do fans in the seats stand during their shows?
Anyone notice Lars looks way different these days?
What does this sign mean? Wrong answers from Calgary drivers only
Is it just me or Load and Reload are some of the most beautiful music I’ve ever heard?!
Little Guitars won Most Underrated VH Song! Now for Day 2, Most overrated Van Halen song
Edmonton night 1. Incredible.
Hot take: I like Jason Bonham more than AVH
How would you answer this woman's question?
That's OK. If the escalator isn't working,we can use the elevator. DOH!
What was the first song you ever learned on the drums?
What is your favorite song off of Garage Days Inc. ?
Respectable cymbal set?
The Minecraft Saddledome is done! | update #3
What do we call him?
Can I learn to drive before winter comes?
Pls don’t dump your garbage in a reno bin that isn’t yours
What is your most favorite song off every Van Halen album?
Could Silvio have survived?
My 13-year old goes through a pair of drumsticks every 3-5 days. Is this normal?
Trade Proposals
Third wire snap found along Calgary water main as work continues
For those who didn’t like the finale,how would you end this show?
Nothing makes me happier than the salty tears from Canadian and Original Six fans. “Miserable turnout for the parade” LMAO.
How to upset Oilers fans in under 20 seconds