3 days before Halloween: who will watch horror / Halloween movies all day long?
Give your favorite Slipknot misheard lyrics
What’s a misheard lyrics that YOU heard.
What’s Your Worst/Funniest Misheard Lyric?
What is your favourite "soft" song of slipknot?
Favorite Corey Taylor scream?
Favorite Song From Each Album
It’s kinda rough but I painted Joey’s Vol. 3 mask on a pumpkin
Favourite Song in Subliminal Verses?
What songs do you consider sheer violence, and absolute scariness? (Lyrically, instrumentally, and musically)
The reckoning
The sickening
*craig intensifies*
A great way to die
Mick thomson finds you.
Dammit man I knew it was a mistake
Mick’s wife Stacy posted this AHIG tour setlist from Albuquerque, from the minds of Mick and Joey
Was looking at buying a Slipknot sheet music book but then I read the translated description and I was sold
Rip slippy Steven
Incorrectly Heard Slipknot Lyrics
Veggie Tales predicted purity
Who is the best headbanger in the band
ASKING ALEXANDRIA here! Ask us anything! 🏡🔥
“What made you decide to wear masks?”