What's a game you'd recommend for someone stuck in an optimizing mindset?
Anyone else think a lot of people complaining of the current economy exaggerate because of their poor financial choices and keeping up with the Joneses?
Have any of you manually inserted all of your transactions at some point? How has that gone, are you still doing it or did you get driven to avoid that over time?
Free YNAB for a year!
I have one bank account and multiple credit card accounts, why doesn’t my ready to assign match the amount in my bank account when I have nothing budget for yet?
8 key takeaways on protein intake from Rhonda Patrick
why does vitamin D cause me severe depression
How do you Make your Partner feel Wanted Sexually if You have a Low Libido?
Moronic Monday - Your weekly stupid questions thread
The rear of my car is bumpy and rattles when going over every little bump, how can I determine what’s the cause of the problem myself?
How to stop waking up late?
How do I dress more like a man?
My fall time keyboard mouse and mat combo! 🍂🍁
Where to make friends meet people 20s30s in the burbs?
How much UVA does regular non-ceramic tints block? Sun roasts my left side of face but trying to save money
Root canal done a month ago. Temporary filling put in until cap appointment which is in 5 days. As of a few days ago, that tooth hurts when chewing. How can this be if there is no nerve, and is this normal or a concern?
Order of operation for new old car? Fix nagging mechanical issues, tints, coilovers, interior?
Fluid spill resistant shoes that have some sort of ventilation so they won’t swamp your feet up?
Would I still have a bad time if I daily a gutted interior car that has sound isolation mats like kilmat? Trying to unboat this boat but keep NVH low
Timeless designs always come from the 90s. Any SC300 SC400 owners here?
Rochas Man but stronger projection and longer lasting?
Spotted this at the grocer today. Talked to the lady driving. Original owner, 97, Gold Badge SC400.
Did you male nurses have to clean shave to work at your hospital? Could I get by with a very light stubble?
Which magnesium to take for gut health and brain fog?