What behavior screams "I want to feel superior"?
I keep coming up with new stuff
Have you ever listened to a song that perfectly describes a storyline or an oc?
How long have you been with your main paras/paracosms? How is time progression handled?
Just curious
Might be an unpopular opinion but I like the reward events
Several of my ocs daydream too
The daydream I had for 5 mins vs the daydream I had for 18 years
My redemption arc for one of my ocs
Ocs that are bad people
Idea I had for a different daydream
Imagining a fake podcast
I have a lot of respect and admiration for one of my ocs
Hello world
When horrible things happen in my daydream
Curious about the distribution of members here
I've been creating a fake movie in my head
Have your daydreams ever sort of written themselves?
I come up with some of my best ideas while I'm at work
Do you create imaginary couples where the woman is taller than the man?
I like that nobody else sees my daydream
My muses
Yellow roses
When the storyline you've got going just tells itself
The way my daydream/paracosm is expanding and becoming more in depth