Say something good about this character
Ton… you give this guy a couch, he’ll probably try and fuck it …
Number four: Samwise Gualtieri (or Paulie Gamgee?)
Whatsamatta Bran you got a fuckin eye problem?? You look like Stevie Wonder your eyes rollin around
Elon? It’s common knowledge the guy’s retarded
“That’s right, cocksucka. Go back to New Jersey!”
Doc says I need an ultrasound on my groin and balls
The jackeeeeeeet
It's common knowledge the guy's retarded
Me, scrolling r/conservative
“They say I might be learning disabled”
Whatever happened there that was fucked up
“You know that fat cocksucka Ruhollah Khomeini says I look like Philly leotardo?”
Bannon said he saw you on the tennis court. A Don doesn’t wear shorts
“Mitch, you alright? You hardly touched your egg salad.”
You sniffed on that girl’s panties
Antisemitism?? Fuck you too mah man!!
[Spoilers]Lorne Malvos Shades of Green Riddle
Recommendations for a great western?