As adult, how do you get rid of anxiety seriously?
Back with another banger
Do you have anything from your youth that you still use all the time?
MMW: Felon in Chief is not going to survive to the end of his term. His face is already drooping on the right side when he tries to smile, indicating a previous stroke.
What’s a company secret you can share now that you don’t work there anymore?
Connecticut Woman Charged with Stalking After Hiding GPS Tracker inside Teddy Bear She Mailed to Her Ex
Look at that knee
Why is this not enough?
What's your "hell no" rule in life?
Name for a grunge band where every member is a police officer?
Which Celebrity faded away without many realizing it?
I chased you the f*ck down
I turned 45 today. Is it ok if I hang out with you guys?
What is he buying at 4am?
Where did you meet your significant other at?
Guess I’m guilty
Catch and Release
FB market place,not a bad price. link to video for mirror below.
Most normal night shift in a convenience store.
Is There An Thrift Item That You Missed Out On/Left Behind That You Still Think About?
What’s the adult equivalent of realizing that Santa Claus doesn’t exist?
My great grandfather just before he died. His brother then married his widowed wife.
What kind of abomination is that?🤣
Favorite video games
People who drink coffee. 1. Do you have a favorite place to go to or do you make it at home. 2. What do you normally put in your coffee.