this week a hot new bombshell enters faerun ✨
Stephen King is writing The Talisman 3
Idk why it took this long for me to make a gauss speed build, but it's fun af
Very new and looking for build help
Front Man/Player 001 forgetting he was the villain and just having a good time celebrating with the boys was so wholesome
Just gpt the game and i ahve a question about classes.
New area confirmed that no one is talking about?
Hey Everybody. I'm reading The Shining. I'm on page 15. Should I read page 16 next or wait until I read pages 17-22?
I Unlocked the Ultracite Terror Sword!
DARK TOWER FANCASTING- hear me out… Christopher Meloni as Roland the Gunslinger
Is melee or unarmed viable in the raid?
Question about the raid
Ordered one and got sent 2
We need a different way to farm 4-star legendaries
PVP Balance
Can we pay rent 2-3 weeks in advanced please
Anyone who steams newworld to the deck i need some help
Doing a career change into cyber security and need some guidance
Where can I get the graverobbers hat? Please I can't find true answers
Regular dungeons nerfed 2024?
What kind of weapons would you like to see this game add?
I ran a nightfall like this AMA
Getting involved in open world PvP totally changed my experience in New World (for the best)!
Gamers, which video game release was the hardest to wait for?
Need help finding Rapier+Void Gauntlet Solo Build