Someone please tell me why my neighbours cat stares at me like this?!? 👀😂 Everytime I look out the window he looks so vexed!
Scav spawns on PvE are so out of control at the moment and I don’t see anyone talking about it
My local “foodies” group is completely unhinged
Like how much… [IRL]
Fence gave me a Lighthouse Minefield map for doing a co-op extract, but you can't bring it into raid and none of the traders (including fence) will buy it. So, thanks I guess?
[Loot] wife extracted with a GPU for me
BTR sick wheelie
This AI controlled gun
New Mirage window smoke that is impossible to miss
I was really high one night and got one of these for $40 off ebay
Time for some Boob Check (Mandatory)
Is this cpu still good to use
I would like AI scavs to teach me how to throw grenades [Video]
I double-checked in offline mode and a scav was shooting at me from 380 meters.
AI scav ricocheting me against the wall for head, jaws
Victim fights back.
Can’t stop…Victim fights back.
Motorbike thieves got what they deserved!
Road rage karma in Ohio
transit extract item transfer issues [discussion]
Power claw final
Ommggg bruh my PS5 isnt turning on
"upgrading Hideout zones now requires items with the Found in Raid mark, " the economy is going to be hit hard by this. [Discussion]